Governor Vacancies
We currently have vacant positions on our Local Governing Body, and are looking to appoint at least two new people from our fantastic and diverse local community.
Applications are open to the public, however we are really keen to increase the diversity of our governing body so would particularly welcome applications from males, families from a black or Asian or ethnic minority background or those representing the LGBTQ+ community. We’re also keen to increase the skillset of our Local Governing Body, and would also like to encourage anyone with a specialism or interest in supporting disadvantaged adults or children to apply.
What does the Local Governing Body do?
The Local Governing Body (LGB), with the headteacher, has overall responsibility for the running of the school. Governing bodies have three core strategic functions:
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
- Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils.
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
Who can be a member of the LGB?
No special qualifications are needed, and the most important thing is to have a keen interest in our college and be prepared to play an active part in the governing body’s work - you do not need to be an educational “expert” to do this. Training is available for all governors and this governing body has an expectation that those new to being a governor will attend our induction training.
Who cannot be a member of the LGB?
Schedule 4 of The School Governance (Constitution) (England) Regulations 2012 summarises the circumstances under which someone cannot serve as a governor.
How can I apply?
If you would like to apply, please click here to complete the online nomination form, and submit it no later than the end of Friday 10th January 2025. The form includes a short personal statement to support your application, where you must tell us why you are suitable for the role and should be no longer than 250 words.
If you would like to arrange an informal telephone call to discuss the role in more detail then please do not hesitate to contact Cathy Peacock, Chair of Governors, by email on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Additional Information about the school governor role at Bramcote College:
- Bramcote College is part of the White Hills Park Trust. There are currently six schools in the Trust; the educational provision is age 4-18
- The College is a secondary school, including sixth form so our LGB role is to review KS3,4 and 5 provision (ages 11-18). We are judged as a "good" school by Ofsted but always strive to achieve more!
- As an LGB we operate within the Trust's Scheme of Delegation, and we have a lot of autonomy within that. We do adopt Trust wide policies and requirements but on the whole the ethos and strategy of the school is for the Headteacher and LGB to decide.
- As an LGB we have a range of link Governors - We find that by asking Governors to be the lead for a specific area we can spread the workload and also build up the depth of knowledge and understanding we need as an LGB to fulfil our statutory duties properly. Some of those links are prescribed - so we have to have Safeguarding, Special Educational Needs, Careers and Health & Safety link governors but can appoint to whatever other roles we think will add value. The impact and value of our teachers is incredibly important to us, so we do have a specific link governor role that focuses on teacher performance, teaching and learning and their well-being; it's currently the accountability of the vice-chair due to its importance.
- Our strap line is "Work Hard. Do Well. Be Well" and we pride ourselves on ensuring that all our students achieve the very best they can in an environment that both challenges our students to live up to their potential but in a very caring and supportive way. We pride ourselves on not being an "exam factory" and want to support every child be they SEND or potential Cambridge scholars!
- The governor role is a statutory one and at its heart is the importance of building good relationships (challenge and support) with the school and ensuring that strategy and policies are suitable and reflect best practise. Governors need to be professional in their approach but be able to support the school and each other so getting the right people on board is key.
- Each year schools should produce an annual improvement plan and the role of a governor is to contribute to its content and monitor its implementation. A governor role is not about getting involved in the day-to-day operational running of the school, or to be a parent representative - its more about giving insight, challenge and support. The role of the governor is set out more fully by the National Governors Association and you might want to have look at this to give you more information.
- In terms of time;
- we operate four full Wednesday evening meetings per year for around 2.5 hours each (rather than run a complex sub-committee structure) which all Governors must attend. Historically all LGBs meetings have been face-to-face, but after a successful trial of virtual meetings we now run a blended programme of virtual and in-person meetings.
- In addition, you would be expected to meet/have contact with your link governor school contact on a termly basis and write up a short review report for the LGB
- And of course, there is lots of opportunity for training and CPD – our Governors commit to 10 hours per year and is primarily “on-line” such as virtual workshop attendance. And as a new Governor you would be fully supported by myself and the Vice-Chair as you develop in the role.
To be really transparent - Governor roles are unpaid, and the term of appointment is normally three to four years so someone can grow into the role. And we do get great tea/coffee and biscuits when the meetings are in college!