Leadership Team

Heidi Gale


Email: heidi.gale@whptrust.org


Jo Cooper

Deputy Headteacher: Student Achievement

Email: jo.cooper@whptrust.org


Jenny Read

Deputy Headteacher: Quality of Education

Email: jenny.read@whptrust.org


Thomas Gregory

Assistant Headteacher:
Behaviour and Personal Development

Email: thomas.gregory@whptrust.org


Faye Parker Dennis

Assistant Headteacher:
Safeguarding, Wellbeing, and Post-16 Lead  |  DSL

Email: faye.parkerdennis@whptrust.org


Mary Kirby

Assistant Headteacher: Inclusion

Email: mary.kirby@whptrust.org

Jacqui Banger

Associate Assistant Headteacher:
Digital Learning

Email: jacqui.banger@whptrust.org


Dawn Crouch

Head of Year:
Year 7

Email: dawn.crouch@whptrust.org


Riah Ambasna

Head of Year:
Year 8

Email: riah-jai.ambasna@whptrust.org


Heidi MansfielD

Head of Year:
Year 9

Email: heidi.mansfield@whptrust.org


Penny Crumpton

Head of Year:
Year 10

Email: penny.crumpton@whptrust.org


Cathernine Agius

Head of Year:
Year 11

Email: catherine.agius@whptrust.org

Student Support


Mary Kirby

Assistant Headteacher - Inclusion | SENCO

Email: mary.kirby@whptrust.org

Mary's role, as the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) and as the Assistant Headteacher responsible for Inclusion is to make sure that students with Special Education Needs or Disabilities are identified and receive appropriate additional support to allow them to participate in school, and to regularly review this to ensure we continue to meet their needs as they move through the school in order for them to achieve.

For more information, please see our SEN Information page

If you have any concerns you are welcome to contact Mary by calling the college, or by emailing her directly.


Janine Harrison

Engagement Safeguarding and Family Liaison Officer (ESFLO)

Email: janine.harrison@whptrust.org

Janine is our dedicated Engagement Safeguarding and Family Liaison Officer (ESFLO), working to support students and familes both in and out of school.  

Alongside her role as ESFLO, she is also our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL), supporting our DSL Faye Parker Dennis with the welfare of students across the school, from Year 7 through to Year 13.

More information on our safeguarding team and approcahes to the protection and welfare of children at Bramcote College can be found on our Safeguarding page.

Janet Rigby

Family SENCo

Email: janet.rigby@whptrust.org

Janet is the Trust and Family SENCo for White Hills Park Trust. In this role she supports work with students that have Special Education Needs or Disabilities across all of the White Hills Park Trust's schools and academies, and also across the families of schools within our local communities, inlcuding Primary, Junior and Infant schools. 

On a day to day basis, Janet might be out in one of the schools or at a meeting elsewhere in the county. Therefore the best way of contacting her is to call school and ask the receptionist to email her with your contact details and she will get back to you as soon as possible.