began at bramcote

Did your journey begin at Bramcote?

Bramcote Alumni logo

You become an Alumni once you leave.  Being an Alumni provides you with the opportunity to stay in touch with us and remain part of the Bramcote family.

bramcote hills grammar school Bramcote hills technical grammar bande bhscc logo Bramcote Hills 6th form Logo  tbs logo bc logo bc6f logo

There has been a school on the Bramcote Hills estate since 1948, with a second opening in 1956.  Between the two sites, thousands of local people have begun their journeys with us at Bramcote, under various different names through the years.

Did you attend either the Moor Lane site or Derby Road site?

  • Bramcote Hills Secondary Modern Boys School
  • Bramcote Hills Secondary Technical School
  • Bramcote Hills Grammar School
  • Bramcote Park Comprehensive School
  • Bramcote Hills Comprehensive School
  • Bramcote Park School
  • Bramcote Park Business and Enterprise School
  • Bramcote Hills Sport and Community College
  • Park View 6th Form Centre
  • Bramcote Hills College Sixth Form
  • Bramcote College Sixth Form

share your story

If you'd like to stay in touch, tell us about life after Bramcote, or share any stories with us we would love to hear from you!

Email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


Get involved with school life

The aim of the ‘Bramcote Alumni’ is to allow former students to retain a connection to the school.  As part of our careers programme we would like to offer current students opportunities to experience different professions and organisations, visit workplaces and industries and learn about future careers and job opportunities.  As a member of the Bramcote Alumni, you could help! In addition to helping us, being part of the Alumni could benefit your business or organisation; there may be networking events, promotional opportunities, or this could be part of your corporate social responsibility agenda. 

If you are a former student, why not join our Alumni and allow us to contact you?  Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information.
