Policies and Documents
Our policies are reviewed anually by the senior leadership team and our local governing body, although throughout the school year some may be refined to help us ensure the most up-to-date information is always available.
There is more information surrounding key policies (for example: Safeguarding, SEND, etc) on other dedicated pages of the site.
Any policies watermarked as draft or pending approval have been reviewed recently and reflect the practices and processes in school, but have yet been ratified by our Local Governing Body (LGB). This will usually happen at the next meeting of the LGB.
Bramcote College is a member of The White Hills Park Trust, and the Trust's policies that are adopted by all its academy members can be found on its website: The White Hills Park Trust
If you would like a paper copy of any of the policies, documents, or information on this website, or would like to discuss any of the information contained within, please contact the school.
Complaints and Concerns
Curriculum Areas
Equality Policy
Gender Identity Policy
Pupil Premium Strategy Statement
Staff Wellbeing Policy
Supporting Students with Medical Conditions
Financial Documents
Charges and Remission Policy
Covid-19 - Catchup Premium Plan 2020-2021
Summer School August 2021 - Financial Report
Supplemental Funding Agreement
The 16 to 19 Tuition Fund - 2021 to 2022 Academic Year
Inclusion and Special Education Needs
Safeguarding and Child Protection
Please note: updated versions of some policies below have been reviewed recently and are currently awaiting final approval before publication