What is Pupil Premium?

Pupil premium (PP) is funding allocated to schools to improve education outcomes for pupils from low-income families in England. Evidence shows these children generally face additional challenges in reaching their potential at school.  Our school leaders decide how to spend the Pupil Premium allocation, as they are best placed to assess the needs in our scool community and to ensure the funding is used to improve attainment for those who need it the most.

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Pupil Premium at Bramcote College

At Bramcote College our ethos centres around ‘Work Hard · Be Well · Do Well’, the driving force behind this is our focus on ensuring that all students make good progress by studying a broad and balanced curriculum which enthuses students and inspires them to have high aspirations for their own futures. In order to facilitate this for all students our Pupil Premium strategy aims to identify and eliminate obstacles to learning for Puplil Premium students.

We recognise that barriers are very specific to and personal for our Pupil Premium students, so we strive to provide a tailor-made approach, matching action to the needs of individuals. Our strategy aims to embrace the specific needs of a broad range of students, offering personalised support for higher attaining students, SEND students, vulnerable students and those who have struggled the most due to the lockdowns of 2020 and 2021, ensuring that we find an approach that suits them. Our intention is also that our strategy reaches beyond the school site and school day.

In school our focus on ‘Quality First’ teaching for all, with additional strategies employed to foster greater progress for disadvantaged students, has had a great impact on students’ engagement and enthusiasm for their education, as well as improving outcomes year on year. Exam results demonstrate a clear pattern of improvement at Bramcote College which we continue to focus on, with the expectation that students’ good outcomes are sustained and continue to improve, especially for Pupil Premium students, ensuring that they are making sustained progress.

We are engaging actively with the national Catch-Up Programme to provide support for students in a range of contexts to ensure greater engagement; this includes offering after school tuition, in school tuition with an Academic Mentor and small group tuition with class teachers. We also communicate effectively with students, parents & carers to establish the individual barriers to learning that student face and are able to offer personalised solutions both in and out of school. 

The key principles of our Pupil Premium strategy are:

  • To ensure that Pupil Premium students are supported and challenged to have high aspirations for their futures.
  • To adapt our support strategy to suit the specific needs of our Pupil Premium students in order to overcome their own personal barriers to learning.
  • To maintain the progress, engagement and aspirations of Pupil Premium students as a high priority for all staff in the school.

For a more detailed overview of our policy and procedures for the use of Pupil Premium funding please download our full Pupil Premium Strategy below. It outlines our strategy, how we intend to spend the funding in this academic year and the effect that last year’s spending of pupil premium had within our school.

Also available below is our tiered approach to recovery following Covid-19 restrictions, geared around high-quality teaching for all, targeted academic support, and wider strategies to support pupils.

pdf 15px Pupil Premium Strategy Statement