Ethos and Values
Our vision and wider ethos are based on our school motto,
‘Work hard. Be well. Do well.’
At Bramcote College, we believe that every young person, irrespective of their starting point or background deserves the very best education.
"Only the best is good enough"
(Ofsted, 2017)
Our Mission
To provide the right conditions for every young person to succeed. We are driven by the belief that every child can succeed given the support they need.
Our Vision
At Bramcote College we believe that every young person, irrespective of starting point, background or needs, deserves the very best education to prepare for their future success. Only the best is good enough.
Every pupil at Bramcote College will be equally able to secure great educational outcomes and reach their full potential. We are ambitious for our staff and pupils, and we believe that great teachers make great schools. Learning, wellbeing and safeguarding are at the heart of all we do – from excellent staff CPD to great learning and teaching in classrooms and beyond.
Work Hard
Nothing is achieved without hard work. Academic and personal achievements are not about luck. We make our own luck. Working hard is part of our DNA. It is about being determined, doing our best and grafting. It is not about instant results. Sometimes we have simply got to dig deep and keep going. Students in every class and year group are encouraged to work hard and keep working hard.
Having a good work ethic and commitment to educational success sets students up for life. We talk about sowing and reaping; investing to get a return.
Our staff are generous with their energy, time and commitment, modelling hard work.
Our world needs resilient young people, who don’t quit when it gets tough, who try new things even if they risk failure. At BC it is OK to get things wrong, but it is not OK to not try. Working hard builds self-confidence and self-image.
We believe that all our students are capable of making rapid and sustained progress. We set ambitious goals and give students learning strategies. We work with students, their families and staff to reach those goals and then we celebrate and set the next set of goals.
Be Well
At the core of our motto is ‘Be Well’. At BC, we focus on creating an environment that supports the needs and emotional wellbeing of all. Wellbeing is at the top of our school agenda.
Whilst we are ambitious for all, we are kind to ourselves and others. We recognise the need to look after students’ mental, physical and emotional health. Whilst we ‘teach’ aspects of wellbeing through the curriculum, the most powerful tool in creating wellbeing comes from the sense of belonging at BC. We foster a strong sense of identity and mutual support. Our students are known by name, as individuals who are treated with warmth and acceptance. We place great importance of on having a disciplined and calm school. A place where teachers can teach and students can learn.
We want to develop resilient, healthy and happy young people who understand themselves and others.
Do Well
We are delighted at our rapid and sustained improvement in examination outcomes for our students. Exam results matter, but they are not everything. Providing an excellent education is what drives BC school improvement.
We recognise that strong examination performance opens doors for all students enabling them to reach the next stages of education. However, we know that there is more to life than exam certificates.
We focus on nurturing the whole student, exam results take you to the door but character takes you through life. Doing well at BC is about instilling a life-long love of learning, building friendships, investing in hobbies, taking part, building community, making a difference to those around us and finding our passion.
Doing well is about who we are when no one is looking. Children can’t sit GCSEs in kindness, punctuality, tolerance, manners and living harmoniously, but we value and celebrate these things at BC.
British Values
The definition of British Values was set out in the 2011 Government Prevent Strategy. The Department for Education sets out five clear strands in their definition of British Values and Bramcote College whole heartedly agrees with these:
• Democracy
• The Rule of Law
• Individual Liberty
• Mutual respect
• Tolerance
Many of these values fit explicitly into our PSHE, Citizenship and Humanities curriculum and are also integral to our SMSC provision across the school. All staff at Bramcote College are responsible for identifying and delivering British Values through their everyday contact with students, alongside our 'BRAMCOTE' values.
The school promotes a full program of assemblies on values and makes these explicit to all students.
We use our BRAMCOTE Values when discussing anything that is part of the wider world to make British and School Values explicit to all students. Our BRAMCOTE Values are inextricably linked to British Values:
- Brilliant
- Resilient
- Ambitious
- Motivated
- Caring
- Open-minded
- Team Player
- Engaged
Our curriculum is mapped across the whole school and audits are carried out to ensure all the elements of British Values are covered in a wide variety of lessons.
We develop core British Values in all of our students by: |
We expect that our students will demonstrate these values through: |
Democracy – promoting mutual decision making and understanding of how this can be influenced by citizens. We actively encourage engagement with current political events and we expect respect for the views of others and participation in decision making activities.
Democracy – engaging with student bodies, questionnaires and school elections. Demonstrating an understanding of the democracy of the UK. Taking part in wider events/activities. Expressing their views peacefully and respecting those of others.
The Rule of Law – recognising that our students will encounter rules and laws their entire lives and reinforcing respect for our school rules and consequences if they are broken; enabling students to distinguish right from wrong. We allow for debate on these rules and consequences, to encourage democracy.
The Rule of Law – showing an appreciation of the fact that rules are essential for progress at school and that they provide safety in the wider world. Demonstrating an understanding that rules and laws are there to protect.
Tolerance – offering a culturally rich and diverse curriculum in which all major religions and cultures are studied and through this study and the wider curriculum, respected. We believe that tolerance and appreciation is gained through knowledge and understanding. We enable students to appreciate and respect equality.
Tolerance – cooperating well, celebrating diversity and resolving conflicts effectively. Understanding the wide range of cultural influences that underpin our individual and shared experience of modern Britain. Identifying and combatting discrimination
Rights and Responsibilities – encouraging students to accept responsibility for their behaviour and make a positive contribution to society; modelling freedom of speech in a peaceful manner, challenging stereotypes, and using restorative justice.
Rights and Responsibilities – encouraging students to accept responsibility for their behaviour and make a positive contribution to society; modelling freedom of speech in a peaceful manner, challenging stereotypes, and using restorative justice.
Mutual Respect – embedding the view that mutual respect is at the core of both school life and wider society. Staff treat students with respect and fully expect the same in return. We enable our students to develop their own self-awareness, confidence and self-esteem. Moral values are expected and embraced. |
Mutual Respect – showing respect to both one another and staff. Being able to explain why respecting the views, backgrounds, and cultures of others is important. Expressing agreement/disagreement in a respectful way. Demonstrating moral values. |