School Uniform & Equipment

We believe it is important that all our students should be of a smart appearance and appropriately dressed for school. Our uniform policy is intended to be simple and economical for parents and is designed to give a clear image for the school. 

You may be aware that Statutory Guidance around school uniform has recently been introduced. We have always worked hard to keep our uniform costs affordable, but realise that in this current climate, we are all revising what ‘affordable means.’ Financial assistance continues to be available upon request and subject to criteria being met. Please contact the school office.

In response to feedback and to help with financial concerns, we have streamlined our compulsory branded items to only 3; students are expected to wear branded school blazer and tie, and PE kit is based around the WHP branded t-shirt.  

We run a termly Swap Shop, where parents can swap items of school uniform, including PE kit, for bigger sizes or simply collect an item that they need.  Further details and dates for our Swap Shop Evenings will be communicated to parents. 


Our uniform and PE kit suppliers:

bigfishBig Fish Schoolwear
Web username: Bramcote
Web password: TBS123


morleysMorleys Schoolwear
116-118 Bramcote Avenue, Chilwell, NG9 4DR
Tel: 0115 925 8046


Students and parents should observe the following:


Students are expected to wear:

  • WHP Trust blazer.
  • School tie.
  • Plain white shirt or blouse which buttons up to the collar (can be long or short sleeved). 
    (any vest, T shirt or bra worn under the shirt must be plain white with no logos).
  • Plain, black standard school trousers or skirt.
    (No jeans, cargo styles with pockets or trousers which are tight fitting, skirts should be knee length and appropriate for school. Pencil/tube skirts with elastane are not acceptable. Tracksuit bottoms should not be worn under school trousers).
  • Plain black belts can be worn but no fashion belts.
  • Black school jumper/cardigan with school logo are optional and may be worn underneath blazers.
  • Plain, black, sensible (low heeled) shoes or ankle height boots. Plain black leather/leather effect smart shoe style trainer shoes (e.g Air Force 1s). Trainers, plimsolls, pumps and canvas footwear of any kind are not allowed.
  • Open toe or backless footwear should not be worn on the grounds of health and safety and all shoe laces should be tied correctly.
  • One small plain ear-stud or small sleeper in each ear lobe and a wristwatch. No other jewellery or face/body piercings are allowed. *

Please note:

  • Hoodies, tracksuit type tops and other non-school tops are not allowed in school.
  • No caps or hats of any kind can be worn on the school premises.
  • No make-up and clear nail varnish only may be worn. False nails are not acceptable.
  • Extreme hairstyles are not permitted (this includes shaven or partially shaven heads or eyebrows, tram lines or other markings, unnatural hair colours).
  • Mobile phones, tablets and similar electronic devices should not be seen or heard on the school premises, without specific permission from a member of staff. *
  • Smart Watches are not allowed in school. Ordinary analogue and digital watches are allowed.
  • The ‘Tattooing of Minors Act 1969’ states that it is illegal for anyone under the age of 18 to have a tattoo. We would therefore request parental support in ensuring that students do not have any tattoos, either visible or not.

* Failure to comply will lead to confiscation in line with school policy. On the first occasion of an item being confiscated, it will be returned to the student at the end of the school day. Should the item be confiscated for a second time it will not be returned to the student, a letter will be sent home requesting the parent/carer comes into school to collect the item from a senior member of staff. Should an item be confiscated for a third time it will only be returned to the student at the end of the school half term.

PE Kit

Compulsory items:

  • WHP short sleeve training t-shirt
  • Personal sports trainers
  • WHP or Plain black Joggers/Leggings/Shorts *

Optional additional items:

  • WHP ¼ zip micro-fleece or plain black sweatshirt (not hoodie).*
  • Football socks

* Whilst we would prefer for all our students to wear the full PE kit, we made some adjustments last year which we will continue this year. Pupils can wear plain black joggers/leggings/shorts with branded logos no larger than a bank card. Instead of the school PE tops, students can also wear plain black sweatshirts (not hoodies) or T-shirts, again with logos no larger than a bank card. Girls shorts should not be cyling shorts or very short tight shorts.

No jewellery at all to be worn in any PE lessons

Additional recommended items:

  • Football boots
  • Gum shield
  • Shin pads

School Equipment

All students should have the following basic items of equipment with them for every lesson:

  • a suitable bag (no handbags) in which to carry equipment, planner, books and homework.
  • a pencil case containing :-
    • black or blue ball point pen
    • a spare black or blue ball point pen
    • HB pencils
    • Eraser
    • Pencil sharpener
    • Coloured pencils/fine felt tips
    • 30cm ruler
    • Calculator
    • Headphones (plug in)

Please note that valuables, expensive items and large sums of money should not be brought to school.
If you lose something, please enquire at the school office as to whether it has been handed into lost property.